DIRECTORS WORKSHOP w/ Coach Lisina stoneburner
learning to communicate creatively and effectively with actors

For directors who are either new to directing TV and film or directors who wish to have an intensive workout on their approach. This workshop is small and only a few spaces are available. This is not a workshop for pure beginners with no industry experience. Please register only if you are an industry professional actively working or are experienced in the industry either as a director or another industry artist transitioning into a directing career.
Be an actor to understand actors.
Communicate your plan of action efficiently, effectively and creatively.
Be a script detective who can not only understand tone and subtext in a script, but identify possibilities within the material that you can activate with actors on set.
Sense an actors abilities and know how to quickly use them to their fullest.
Use your strengths. Your directing, your way. Tap into your instinct, and know how to really motivate your gut instinct.
Getting it all done on time. Creativity on someone else’s schedule.
Speak acting language with directors motivation.
How we do it when we work live:
* You are worked out like an actor in a class with actors hand picked to work alongside you. Doing the same work they do, using the same language they use, rehearsing as they do, getting notes and critique just as they do. You prepare as an actor and work in class the same way. This portion of the workshop teaches you first hand how to think like an actor, understand the thoughts an actor has and how to look at material from that perspective.
* We work quickly and intensively, and force you to make strong choices from your gut and apply them quickly. You then witness alongside you the actors doing the same work. You will rehearse directly with them as an actor yourself and see how what they apply and attempt gets them to the moment.
* You are assigned scenes to direct the actors in. You are given different rehearsal parameters than a film or TV set to begin with allowing you more time to explore the material and collaborate with the actors before making any blocking choices and even then, you are given freedoms with your blocking to explore the possibilities that exist just with actors, without cameras.
* Then you are given a new scene with different time constraints and parameters to work in after you have experienced a different way of exploring.
* The actors will provide feedback back in structured settlings to their directors.
How we do it when we work solely on ZOOM:
* We choose specific topics to cover in smaller events with fewer actors and directors in participation. We do only specified activities based on the topics we are covering. The time spent working out with and working with actors is based on the topics and the necessity. The general approach is the same as live with accommodations for the format.
Need to know's:
* You must attend what you register for fully. Nobody can leave early, start late or only participate partially.
* There will be material assigned prior to the workshop Criteria for preparation for the work will be sent along with the materials. All materials are sent approximately one to two weeks prior to the workshop.
* Required Reading.
1) Please purchase and read ACTING 2.0 by Anthony Abeson prior to attending. You can find the book on Amazon.
2) You will be sent a PDF copy of Lisina Stoneburner's book NOTES FROM CLASS once you enroll. If you wish to have a hard copy you can purchase it on Amazon. This is a book of easy reference notes and quotes, it will be a quick read. Please have it with you at the workshop for reference.
* You will meet the actors you are working with on the day of the workshop.

We recommend that you have previously taken Lisina's full Directors Intensive. If you have not, you can still take the following Events, however please consult by email with Lisina first before enrolling.
SESSION ONE: Productive Casting 9AM-11:30AM EST / $250.00 or purchase the full day for $475.00
This session we will cover how to approach casting sessions to get the best results, see any potential red flags for shooting days, give directions that help you find the strengths of your auditioning actor, feed off of what the actor is giving so you can be inspired to what someone can bring. Audition Tapes of the participating actors will be sent for your review ahead of class. You will make notes, decide on callbacks and come back for discussion first. Actors will be called back by Lisina ahead of time, so you will end up working with whomever was chosen and take them through an actual callback session with Lisina as your guide.
SESSION TWO: Working with Kids, Teens and Young Adults 12:30-4:30 PM EST / $250.00 or purchase the full day for $475.00
This session we will cover the best strategies for working with children and young people of all levels from the first time actor to the seasoned young actor. We will deal with techniques for emotional work, hitting comedy beats, understanding complex ideas and communicating effectively to get the moments you want. All the while allowing the genuine moments a young performer can bring to blossom for you and bring unexpected and great performances. You will work directly with young actors on Zoom with Lisina's guidance. This session includes a Q&A forum with one of the greatest and most sought after coaches in Los Angeles for her work with young performers. Mary McCusker is known for her coaching work on The Client, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, the entire run of Malcolm in the Middle, Nip Tuck, Sleepers, Foxfire and Insurgent, among other projects. She is highly regarded as one of the best this industry has to offer. She is a resource beyond all others and will be with us to talk through the strategies she uses and strategies the great directors she has worked with have used, to mine incredible performances from kids, teens and young adult actors. Mary has worked closely alongside directors, Barry Levinson, Ken Kwapis, Todd Holland, Annette Haywood Carter and Alan Jacob.
SESSION ONE ONLY - Productive Casting $250.00
SESSION TWO ONLY - Working with Kids, Teens and Young Performers $250.00
BOTH SESSIONS - Productive Casting and Working with Kids, Teens and Young Performers $475.00